Comp 7750/4060 Graph Algorithms

Assignment 2

Sept - Dec 2018 
assigned 30 Oct, 2018
due 21 Nov, 2018

Please ensure that your name and student number appear on the assignment, which must be submitted in a folder.

Written Answers (100 points or 130 points)

1. Determine what conditions apply to the number of vertices, edges and faces of a projective graph, a toroidal graph, and a Klein bottle graph in which every vertex has degree k.
2. Determine what conditions apply to the number of vertices, edges and faces of a self-dual projective graph, a self-dual toroidal graph, and a self-dual Klein bottle graph. If every vertex has degree k, what values of k are allowed?
3. Consider the three representations of the Klein bottle as a+b+a+b-, a+a+b+b+, or a+a+c+b+b+c-. The Klein bottle is cut along a non-contractible Jordan curve. Show that there are at least three possible results. What are they?
4. Find all embeddings of K5 and K6 on the projective plane. Draw the dual graph of each embedding. Show your work.
5. The Klein bottle can be represented as a+b+a+b-. Find a drawing of K6 on this representation of the Klein bottle. Show your work.
6. Construct the complement of L(K5), the line graph of K5, and find a nice drawing of it. Show your work. Do you recognize this graph?
7. A triangulation of a surface is a graph, all of whose facial cycles are triangles. For example, K4 is a triangulation of the plane.
a) Find a formula for the number of edges in a triangulation of the plane, projective plane, torus, and Klein bottle.
b) Find a triangulation of the projective plane with 6 vertices.
8. The Klein bottle can be represented as a+b+a+b- or a+a+b+b+. Find a drawing of K3,3 U K3,3 on both representations.
9. Construct an embedding of the Petersen graph on the torus, and find its dual.
10. The torus is cut along the Jordan curve abc shown in the diagram. What is the result ?

Questions 11, 12, 13 are for students in 7750 only

11. Find a toroidal embedding of K6 and K7. Show your work.
12. Find a projective embedding of K3,4 and find its dual. What graph is it?
13. Starting with the projective embeddings of K5 and K6 of question 4, find their double covers as planar drawings.

Part II -- Programming (100 points)

Program the crossover algorithm to search for a long path in the graphs of Question 8,
and for those shown below, and for those in the additional input files listed.

Pseudo-code for the crossover algorithm follows.

find a uv-path P where u and v are both blocked
    (ie, the path cannot be extended further from u or v)
do {
    for each w --> u do {
        x = vertex previous to w
        look for a vertex z --> x, where z is not on P
        if found, extend P, then go to L1
    for each w --> v do {
        y = vertex following w
        look for a vertex z --> y, where z is not on P
        if found, extend P, then go to L1
    look for a crossover of order 1
    if found, extend P
} until no extension of P was found

Choose the starting vertex randomly, and find a long path. Run the code in a loop
10 times, and print out the longest path found. Text forms of these graphs are available
as graph 1 and graph 2. Additional input files are graph 3 and graph 4.
