--- title: "Summary" author: Franklin Bristow --- Summary ======= You've *probably* compiled and run software on your own computer before, but now you can also compile and run some software on the command line (C, Java, and Python). Most other programming languages work the same way as these three examples (compile and run, compile and run with another program, or just run with a program), but the names of the programs you use to compile or run the program change. You should also now be able to do basic operations with version control software to keep track of how your own stuff changes over time. We're just beginning with version control, and while specifically being able to get back to a state you were in before is useful in and of itself, version control software becomes *really* useful when you're working on a project with a team of other people. You should now be able to: ::: outcomes * [X] Download a file from the internet on the command-line. * [X] Compile and run programs of various programming languages on the command-line. * [X] Use version control software on your own code to keep track of changes that you make over time (initializing and adding changes to a repository). * [X] Use version control software on your own code to make changes and quickly be able to revert to a working state. * [X] Identify files that should not be version controlled and make sure they aren't included in a repository's history (`.gitignore`). ::: You should now be ready to work on your assignment for the week!