--- title: Summary author: Franklin Bristow --- Summary ======= The bulk of what we've looked at this week is about getting help, and in terms of the way that you as a student spend your time, emphasizing this topic seems like the right choice. While you still might default to using web searching to find answers to the questions that you have, hopefully you've both learned some new skills for how to do web searching (like limiting results to certain sites with the `site:` option), but also realized just how much the help you can get on the command line in the manual pages, even if they are hard to parse. You should now be able to: ::: outcomes * [X] Get help about a command by running the command. * [X] Get help about a command by reading manual pages. * [X] Find and assess the quality of help online. * [X] Use a web-based interactive notebook to document progress in a lab notebook. ::: Now you should be ready to start working on the assignment this week!