Faculty of Science Support Staff Development Fund

Purpose: The purpose of the fund is to support additional training and development of the support staff in the Faculty of Science. The intention is that the fund will supplement a department’s normal allocation for this purpose. Other sources such as the Tuition and Job-Related course reimbursement should also be pursued
Eligibility: All support staff in the Faculty of Science are eligible for this fund. Individ uals are eligible for one allocation every four years, but may only receive one allocation in any one year and do not have priority over persons who have not had prior funding. If the initial award is smaller than the maximum allowed (currently $1,500) the receipient may be eligible to apply again before the end of the four year period.
Funding: Funding will be made available annually by the Dean in each budget year, subject to the budget constraints of the Faculty. Each allocation will have a maximum value of $1,500. Each year there will be approximately $20,000 available for this purpose. Any unused funds at the end of the fiscal year will be returned to the Dean of Science.
Expenditure and Reimbursement: The funds are to be used to support professional activities related to the development of the individual’s skills and qualifications. These activities normally include attendance at workshops, training sessions and conferences related to the current or a possible future position in the Faculty of Science. Where travel is involved the University’s usual procedures for reimbursement will be followed. Where equipment or software is purchased, the Dean’s specific authorization is required and that equipment or software will remain the property of the University and the proper procedures of the University must be followed.
Application: The appropriate application form must be completed before the funding is disbursed. The application can be obtained here and submitted to the Committee before the deadline date for which you want to be considered. . The Dean of Science has final approval of all requests.
Deadlines: There are four deadlines per year: January 15, April 15, July 15 and October 15
Where to Submit: Submit applications to the Support Staff Development Fund Committee c/o Department of Statistics, 318 Machray hall