Programming, modelling, and engineering Complementary activities in multimedia authoring

Peter R. King

Invited PaperH2PTM'03 : Creer du Sens à l'Ère Numerique, Paris, September 2003, Hermes.


Multimedia authors are, typically, not programmers, and accordingly multimedia authoring tools and languages tend to be special-purpose and rather restrictive in nature. Similarly, such authors are not usually skilled software engineers; neither do they readily make use of formal models in their work. Thus such special purpose tools and languages tend not to provide specific design support nor to be based on underlying, formal models. In this paper we will argue that programming, engineering, and modelling and are all highly relevant to the authoring activity. We will discuss a number of possible approaches, based on the work of the author and his colleagues, which suggest how support for these three complementary activities might be introduced into multimedia authoring systems


hypermedia, multimedia, authoring, software, programming, modelling, engineering

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