
  • ✉ tulsi at cs dot umanitoba dot ca
  • ☎ Phone:(204)474-6538
  • 📠 Fax :(204)474-7609

Dr. Ruppa K. Thulasiram

My wife Parimala and I moved to Department of Computer Science, University of Manitoba in August 2000. We speak a special language called Sourashtri (one of many Indo-Aryan languages - a mix of Marathi and Gujarathi - there is a script and some literature) at home. Some details on the history, culture and heritage of this community is available on Sourashtra home page. These and additional details are available at another site as well. Here is the official site of the city (Athens of the East) where I was born and grew up. This is another site of of this city.
Here is one more link.


  • Office: E2-576 EITC

  • Computational Financial Derivatives Lab

    Grid and Cloud Computing Lab

    Cross Disciplinary Centre of Excellence in Computational Finance

  • University of Manitoba

    Winnipeg, MB

    Canada, R3T 2N2