Introduction to Tools and Techniques in Computer Science


Franklin Bristow


Let’s be honest: backing up stuff is boring. Well, it’s boring right up until you actually need the back up. And sometimes we don’t think about backups right up until we need them. This week is an opportunity to consider what you’re doing for back ups, and to give you an opportunity to back up your stuff.

Backing up isn’t just making sure that you’ve got a copy of your files, it’s copying your files across devices and locations. It’s also a choice of how you do back ups in the first place: file-based or image-based.

Regardless of how you do back ups, restoring and verifying your back ups is an essential part of confirming that you actually have a back up and not just a bunch of random bits and bytes.

  • Choose an appropriate back up strategy for protecting your files.
  • Install and configure software to back up your files to a remote server.
  • Restore and verify your back up from the remote server.

You should now be ready to work on the assignment for this week!